# Welcome

Welcome to the documentation of the Oceanograph platform. This guide has been written with the purpose of guiding you through the usage of the Oceanograph application.

For a quickstart guide, see Getting Started

# Oceanograph Platform Principles

# Step 1: Testing

Test your water using your favourite testing method. Oceanograph is not a replacement for manually testing your water using various electric, lab or titration testing methods, but rather provides you with a digital platform to store and analyse your test results. This is an alternative to record your test results using other methods such as storing your values in a paper book or electronics sheet.

Also see: Why Test

# Step 2: Record your Test Results

Using the Oceanograph platform, insert your test results digitally. You can also register past measurements. Some lab test results may be imported automatically. Follow this link to learn how to record your test results.

# Step 3: Analyse

The Oceanograph application will present you with charts and analytics data based on your test results. The plaform may detect potential problems or future fluctuations based on the evolution of your test results.

# Step 4: Dose

Using the guidelines and analytics from the Oceanograph, you can confidently dose additional trace elements accurately to your tank needs. Products that remove toxic elements can also be used as the platform will warn you when it's time to reduce certain nutrients in your tank.