# Trends

Trends are an experimental feature of the Oceanograph platform and are subject to changes. The release of the stable implementation of trends will be announced.

At the time of writing, trends will show up on your dashboard if applicable.

A trend indicating that phosphate levels are rising
A trend indicating that phosphate levels are rising

When tracking nutrient levels in your reef tank, trends refer to the overall direction and rate of change of a particular nutrient level over time. For example, a trend might show that the level of nitrate in your reef tank is increasing steadily over the course of several weeks, indicating a potential problem with your tank's filtration system or feeding schedule.

Recognizing trends in nutrient levels is important because it allows you to detect potential issues early, and take corrective action before they become more serious. For example, if a trendline shows that the phosphate level in your tank is increasing over time, you might adjust your feeding schedule or increase the frequency of water changes to help reduce the level of phosphates in your tank.

In addition to identifying potential problems, recognizing trends in nutrient levels can also help you to optimize your tank's overall health and performance. By monitoring trends in nutrient levels over time, you can fine-tune your feeding schedules, adjust your lighting and filtration systems, and make other changes to help ensure that your tank is providing optimal conditions for the organisms that inhabit it.

Overall, recognizing trends in nutrient levels is a critical part of monitoring and maintaining the health of your reef tank ecosystem. By tracking nutrient levels over time and being aware of any changes or trends, you can take proactive steps to keep your tank healthy and thriving.

See Trendline