# Strontium and Barium

Strontium and barium are trace elements that are important for the health and growth of certain organisms in a reef tank, particularly invertebrates such as corals and clams.

Strontium is an important component of the skeletal structures of many corals and is used in the formation of their calcium carbonate skeletons. It is also important for the growth and development of other organisms, including some types of algae.

Barium is less well understood in terms of its role in reef ecosystems, but research suggests that it may be important for the growth and development of some invertebrates,including corals and clams. Some studies have also suggested that barium may play a role in the regulation of calcium and alkalinity levels in the water.

In general, while strontium and barium are present in trace amounts in natural seawater, their levels may become depleted in a closed reef tank system over time. For this reason, some reef aquarists choose to supplement their tanks with strontium and barium to ensure that these trace elements are present in sufficient quantities to support the growth and health of the organisms living within the ecosystem.

It is important to note that supplementing with strontium and barium should be done carefully and in moderation, as excessive levels of these elements can be harmful to the organisms living in the tank. As with all aspects of reef tank maintenance, regular testing and monitoring of strontium, barium, and other trace elements is important to ensure a healthy and thriving ecosystem.