# Dosing

In the context of a reef tank, dosing refers to the process of adding supplements or other products to the tank to help maintain the proper levels of important nutrients and trace elements. This can include products such as calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity supplements, as well as trace element supplements like iodine and strontium.

Dosing is an important part of maintaining a healthy and thriving reef tank ecosystem, as it helps to ensure that the organisms in the tank have access to the nutrients and trace elements they need to grow and thrive. However, it's important to dose carefully and accurately, as adding too much of any one supplement can throw off the delicate balance of the tank and lead to problems like algae blooms or other issues.

See Dosing Annotations

The Oceanograph platform can help you keep track of dosing in your reef tank, by allowing you to add dosing events as annotations and track changes in nutrient levels over time. By monitoring dosing carefully and keeping track of changes in nutrient levels, you can help to ensure that your reef tank stays healthy and thriving over the long term.