# Configure tank

The Oceanograph platform is designed to provide you with an intuitive and flexible way to manage your reef tanks. When you create an account on the platform, a default reef tank is created automatically, which can be configured and customized to suit your needs.

Visit oceanograph.net/tanks to view and manage your tanks.

Once your tank is set up, we will provide you with a range of tools and resources to help you manage your tank effectively.

# Setup

On the tanks page, choose a name and configure the total volume of the tank. (Sump included).

All of the data entered in the platform, as well as any annotations or notes you add, are automatically linked to your tank, providing a comprehensive record of your tank's history and health. This makes it easy for you to track changes over time, identify trends, and make informed decisions about your tank's care and maintenance.

In addition to the default tank, the Oceanograph platform allows you to create multiple tanks. This can be useful if you have multiple tanks or if you want to create separate tanks for different types of coral or fish.

A basic plan allows for a maximum of 2 tanks. Pro plans allow for a maximum of 5 tanks.

Your Default Tank
Your Default Tank

# Adding Your Own Tank Image

You may choose to upload your own picture of your tank. This picture should not be greater than 1Mb in size. To do so, click the dropdown menu on the tank and choose Upload your own tank picture. Follow the steps indicated.

Upload your own image
Upload your own image

# Selecting the Tank

On the dashboard page or any other page on the platform, the menu will present you with the tanks you have configured and allow you to select the tank you wish to analyse. All data shown on the platform is linked to the actively selected tank in the menu.

Select your active tank in the menu
Select your active tank in the menu