# Register first measurement

On the measurements page, select the reef tank you wish to add test results (commonly referred to as measurements) to in the menu.

The water test results you last recoded will appear on this page as well, if any

Your latest values recorded in your last session
Your latest values recorded in your last session

Then, press the plus icon under 'New Measurement' to select which parameter you would like to record test results for. Optionally another date then the current date can be chosen for the measurement you are about to record.

Choose the parameters for which you would like to enter test results
Choose the parameters for which you would like to enter test results

Once you have entered your test results, press the 'Save Measurements' button. The platform will immediately give you feedback as to whether these water values fall within an acceptable range for optimal health of your reef tank's ecosystem.

🎉 Congratulations! You have now setup your first tank and registered your first water test results! You may know wish to:

  • Visit your Dashboard to consult the overview of your tank
  • Analyse the history of your tank
  • ...